Nice to meet you I am The U!

Nice to meet you I am The U!

The man monitors with his eyes.
The other man discovers with his eyes.

The man closes his ears.
The other man bends his ears.

The man sneers with his nose.
The other man hums with his nose.

The man slaps by his hands.
The other man creates by his hands.

The man curses with his words
The other man celebrates with his words.

The man tramples with his feet.
The other man dances with his feet.

Both of them live in my mind.
I can choose what I want to be.

What am I going to do?
What can I do?

Oops, I forgot to tell you my name.
Nice to meet you.
I am “The U” Magazine.

I still don’t know what I can do.
I want to use my body, brain and mind like “the other man”.

Small media, small voice,
but I am going to sing unabashedly.
If you sing along with me, I am very happy.

Hiroshi Masuda
Hiroshi Masuda

Chief editor of The U / Graphic designer / Illustrator. Born in Japan in 1987. traveld around the world 76 countries from 2017. Illustration account instagram →@hiroshimasud look forward to your application from across the boarders.